For most people, one of the first things they notice about someone is their smile. If you’re not confident about your teeth, it can lead to low self-esteem, lack of confidence, and even affect various aspects of your life. Fortunately, dental implants are an excellent solution for those who don’t have teeth, but if you have multiple teeth missing, you require a full arch replacement, but it’s a long process that can take months. All on 4 Teeth in a Day Parker specialists from AMOS offer a quicker and less invasive solution, giving you a complete set of teeth using just four implants in a single day. Following will give you an idea of what the process is like;

all on 4 teeth in a day Parker

Robert was an outgoing young man who loved socializing with his friends, but his smile held him back. His teeth were damaged and missing, an issue that made him self-conscious. Robert researched for a long-lasting solution to help solve his dental problems and help him regain his self-confidence. He found the All-on-4 treatment and booked a consultation.

The first step was a full examination. During this visit, Robert and his doctor discussed what he hoped to gain from the treatment. The dentist informed Robert about what the treatment involved and how it could help him. The dentist performed all the necessary x-rays and dental scans to help plan the surgery’s placement and plan it. Robert left the clinic with an outline of the plan and the date of the procedure.

On the day of the procedure, Robert walked into the clinic feeling confident, knowing that he was about to receive his dream smile. The process started with the dentist administering anesthesia. Then, adjustments were made to ensure maximum comfort during all stages of the treatment. After the adjustments, the four implants were inserted into Robert’s jawbone, providing a stable foundation for his new teeth.

During the next step, temporary set of teeth were attached, which was tailored to fit perfectly into Robert’s mouth. The temporary teeth are lightweight and are designed to provide a fully functional set of teeth while the patients’ jaw and gums heal. The procedure took the whole day, and by the end of it, Robert could stand in front of the mirror and see his new, perfect smile.

After the procedure, Robert received postoperative instructions to follow to ensure his implants healed correctly. Robert left the clinic feeling happy and confident with a new smile that got him a lot of compliments.

If you’re considering a full arch dental implant surgery, the All-on-4 teeth in a day treatment is an excellent solution. Robert’s story shows that it’s possible to have a complete set of teeth in one day and gain confidence in your smile. At AMOS, we strive to provide our patients with the best dental treatment options, and the All on 4 treatment is one of them. It’s essential to book a consultation session to assess whether you’re a suitable candidate for the procedure and determine the best course of action for you. Contact AMOS today and let us help you achieve your dream smile!